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 Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans

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Aro Volturi
Amitié avec Jacob
Aro Volturi

Présence : Présente
Nombre de postes : 2194
Bonus Twilight : 13496
Réputation : 2
Date de naissance : 16/06/1995
Years : 29
Bourgade : Bikini Bottom - Ananas
Humeur : Veut faire des pâtées de crabes

Identity Card de ton personnage
<font face=Georgia>Nom de ton personnage</font> Nom de ton personnage: Aro Volturi
<font face=Georgia>Résumé des Topics au RPG</font> Résumé des Topics au RPG:
<font face=Georgia>Histoire de ton personnage</font> Histoire de ton personnage:
Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans _
MessageSujet: Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans   Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Icon_minitimeVen 3 Sep - 18:00

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa10

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa11

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa12

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa13

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa14

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa15

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa16

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa17

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa18

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa19

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa20

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa21

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa22

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa23

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa24

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa25

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa26

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Kstewa27
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Seth Clearwater
Voyage de Noces
Seth Clearwater

Présence : Présent
Nombre de postes : 4657
Bonus Twilight : 16507
Réputation : 2
Date de naissance : 22/08/1994
Years : 30
Bourgade : La Push
Humeur : Neutre

Identity Card de ton personnage
<font face=Georgia>Nom de ton personnage</font> Nom de ton personnage: Seth Clearwater
<font face=Georgia>Résumé des Topics au RPG</font> Résumé des Topics au RPG:
<font face=Georgia>Histoire de ton personnage</font> Histoire de ton personnage:
Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans _
MessageSujet: Re: Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans   Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Icon_minitimeSam 4 Sep - 19:27

Merci pour les photos ! :D
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Nombre de postes : 876
Bonus Twilight : 17282
Réputation : 11
Date de naissance : 27/09/1985
Years : 39
Humeur : fatigué♥

Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans _
MessageSujet: Re: Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans   Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Icon_minitimeLun 6 Sep - 23:28

ranlala son accoutrement est bizarre
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Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans _
MessageSujet: Re: Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans   Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans Icon_minitime

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Pictures of Kristen on the set of 'On The Road' in New Orleans

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